It was the same attendant, and somehow, in the busiest parking lot in the city of over 2 million, he had recognized me and remembered my story. Our brief exchange affected me deeply. As I drove away, I felt an impossible sense of hope.
― Oriah Mountain Dreamer, The Invitation
Join us for an open stage of true, personal stories. Storytellers explore the topic of “the kindness of strangers” sometimes in the most unexpected ways. Stories are in English or German, 5 minutes long, true as remembered by the teller, and the best stories are - prepared.
At the end of the evening, the audience chooses their Favorite story and this storyteller is invited to the annual Eve of the Champs in June 2024.
Prepare a 5-minute, true, personal story about an unexpected encounter with a stranger that affected you deeply.
If you’ve got a story, we got a stage.
THE bEAR presents an open stage show
DATE: Friday, 17 November at 8 pm
VENUE: Theatersaal in ZENTRUM | Danziger Straße 50 | 10435 Berlin
HOST: Dyane Neiman
MUSIC: James Harper
If you would like feedback on your story before the show, send us a sign at
James Harper, Musician at THE bEAR on 17. November.
His podcasts have been heard hundreds of thousands of times, and he has produced narrative podcasts for a wide array of clients, including Porsche (Driven Minds), Duolingo (Spanish Podcast), World Coffee Portal (5THWAVE), Specialty Coffee Association (World Coffee Championships), and others.
Growing up half Italian in Sydney, he’s lived in Hong Kong and Rome and began his career working for the Bank of England in 2009. However, his passion for coffee was simply too strong to resist, and in 2016 moved to Berlin to become The Barn Coffee Roaster’s Wholesale Manager, and then in early 2018 hopped on a flight to Guatemala to dive deeper into the world of specialty coffee as a documentary podcast producer.
When he is not traveling around the world, James generously accompanies storytellers at THE bEAR adding a whole other layer of emotion impact to our stories.
James Harper
is the creator of award-nominated podcast Filter Stories, a show that uses our morning coffee as a lens to understand the world. His narratives explore history, science and sustainability, and he writes the piano music that underscore the stories.
THE BEAR presents is made possible by the generous performances of our storytellers, our team of volunteers, THE BEAR e.V. , Berlin Erleben Youtube Channel, and . And through a generous grant from Cultural Bridge, THE bEAR is currently involved with an artistic exchange with our Scottish partner Open Past.
Stories connect us.
Because we all have stories to tell.
Please support our mission to bring compassion into our communities through the Art of Autobiographical Storytelling.
We thank you for your generosity.
Verein zur Förderung der Kunst des biographischen Geschichtenerzählens e.V.
IBAN: DE25 8306 5408 0005 2236 28